Is consciousness resides in the brain?

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Hi, I greet all, thank you for the many hits to my website and your comments. I decided that today I will present an article of Consciousness and the brain. We often hear : I am aware of that. Or that someone was not aware that it is gravely ill, someone did not have the…

Gliwickie Targi Budownictwa 2015

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W piątek 13 lutego 2015 rozpoczęły się w Gliwicach XVI Gliwickie Targi Budownictwa, Instalacji i Wyposażenia Wnętrz. W hali sportowej Ośrodka Sportu Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach przy ul. Kaszubskiej 28 i specjalnie dostawionym namiocie ekspozycyjnym swoją ofertę prezentuje ponad stu wystawców, przede wszystkim ze Śląska i Małopolski. Honorowy patronat nad targami objął Prezydent Miasta Gliwice.…

Mysterious comet 67P

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Today I present the second part of the article about the mysterious and unusual comet 67P Churyumov–Gerasimenko.  Comets have always been keen to mankind, but once it was considered a harbinger of disasters that await us. This is what we consider to be the most comet biblical Bethlehem Star. These pieces of rock filled with…

Love signals from a distant cosmos

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Hello and greetings to all. In a few days we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Although not all the delights the Anglo-Saxon tradition of Valentine’s Day, this holiday supporters argue that it is worth it to appreciate because of the positive message. They also include the NASA employees who show that the signals are to love us…

Ceres mystery and unusual spacecraft Dawn

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Ceres is a unique object in our solar system. It is a dwarf planet that is circulated within the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and is the largest of the bodies circulating inside the belt. Ceres has a diameter of approx. 950 km (the diameter of our Moon is a three…