Part II „In the shadow ziggurats and pyramid”

przez admin

Hello all fans of my page . Today, the second part of the theme We and the cosmos – IN THE SHADOW ZIGGURATS AND PYRAMID.    Tigris and Euphrates Valley is the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations of the world , which can be safely regarded as the nucleus of our modern civilization…

My amazing pictures

przez admin

Hello, thank you for your comments, I received a lot of them. You ask about my amazing pictures. I started doing them for only a few years; have not felt the need. As I wrote earlier, for many years been interested in the subject of the universe. In primary school I took part in the…

New topic

przez admin

Hi, today I introduced a new topic:  We and the cosmos. This introduction to the event and some of my photos. Topic difficult, but very interesting. I think everyone has their idea of ​​the cosmos. Science explains us some issues, but is it really? Maybe you primitive people know more than we do? . .…

My response to your comments

przez admin

My dear ! Visit the bot is on average 25 000 per day ! Thank you all for your kind comments that I receive from around the world – most of the USA, Canada , India, Australia and Europe. In response to your comments and questions contained in them I just wanted to say that …

27 kwietnia 2014 rok

przez admin

27 kwietnia 2014 roku w Watykanie, na Placu Świętego Piotra odbyła się Kanonizacja Jana Pawła II papieża z Polski oraz Jana XXIII – uroczystość religijna, podczas której dwaj błogosławieni papieże: Jan Paweł II oraz Jan XXIII  zostali ogłoszonymi świętymi Kościoła katolickiego. Poniżej:   przy pomniku Papieża z Polski  Jana Pawła II na Jasnej Górze w Częstochowie…

Pejzaże słońca

przez admin

These pictures I made on 18.04.14 r. in Wielowieś around 6:20 p.m.  Unfortunately, I do not have video recording.  Thank you for your wonderful comments ,  but I am not able at all to answer. Thank you for your accurate observations and comments regarding the administration of my website. I’m glad that you like my…