Today some pictures of spring, which has come to us. Thank you for the many hits to my site and nice comments on Hondenverzekering – I wish you all the nice weather on the weekend! I also wanted to answer some of your questions. This applies to „borrowing someone else’s content,” and the presentation on the Internet as their own. I think that this can not be completely avoided. Besides, all of us at one time used to write the work with different types of encyclopedias, dictionaries, studies of eminent scholars and specialists. Always, however, it was necessary to give the title, name of the author, year of publication, the town and the page number. Today, most people use the electronic form of the development of these materials, which can be found on various websites. It should also specify the page address, date of collection of information and the author, if applicable. In contrast, it is difficult today to assert their copyright because of the huge range and volume of processed information on the Internet. We ourselves also use the various websites in order to, for example, a thesis, or for the purpose of conducting the blog. I have often wondered about this. Currently, there are websites that charge money for providing scan – a screenshot of interest to us website in a given time interval. I do not know if it is fine, and I admit I was worried. However, the amount of work and time in carrying out my blog and thought that many people can help you, what I present on my website is the most important of all. I do not think about the rogue individuals. I try to – just – do your!
Imagine, as we rise higher and higher. What do we see? Silhouettes of people disappearing, then the roofs of the houses, we see large areas of forests, lakes, rivers. Individual people with greater height has not seen. Then forget about the troubles and problems they have experienced from other people, we see more and more of our planet’s surface. It is worth to then address the question whether, despite the fact that people no longer see the earth is still beautiful? I think it is often so imagine the earth. It can help us in difficult situations in life. Sorry, we have no influence on what other people do. But remember that the most important thing for us is what we do for others.