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WP_20150302_015Hi, why do we get sick? Each of us would like to know. Below I present a short article with the referenced quotations of famous scientists and doctors. Thank you for your comments, I greet all who visit my website. Wishing you all good health I encourage you to read!

Life is light. Electromagnetic flare. Quantum inversion of the organic and the electronic mass is just life. And what causes the movement, it is the light coupling the two processes in the combined effect of life.
Dr. Linus Pauling (1960) stated: Man is potentially immortal, self-renewing machine; however, the person degenerates and dies, and the reason for this is a mystery.
Dr. Paul Aebersold, a physicist with the Atomic Energy Association said:
Your body may seem to you the same as a year ago, plus or minus a few pounds or inches, but … during each year 98% of the old carbon will be listed by the new atoms that we get for our bodies from the air, we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink.

The human body is composed of water (at the time of the birth of more than 90%).
The remainder of the main components are proteins (carbon structures). One is just wear out, die, and in their place created a new (according to the genetic code).
Biochemical reactions in all plants and animals life support, take place in the aquatic environment. Water not only protects the environment needed for the occurrence of these reactions life, but also is an important reactant or reaction product. In short, the chemistry of life is water chemistry.
To the human body could be renewed in the undisturbed, it is essential that the water in which these processes take place, it was perfectly clean, had a well-structured and contains all the necessary nutrients.
Every so-called DISEASE  is derived from POISONING crisis, which means that the toxins accumulated in the blood above the level of tolerance and the crisis – a disease called – is their rapid elimination. Colds transform into a chronic runny nose, flu can be forced to accept state infections, pneumonia can be fatal if the elimination of toxins will be suppressed by the poison.
JH Tilden, doctor of medicine

Today’s micro-organisms are not our main enemies. Our primary opponent is, in my opinion, the internal balance disturbance maszego components of the body that is built and maintained by the necessary elements from the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
Dr. Tom D. Spies, medical school professor J.A.M.A, 1958

Microorganisms do not cause disease. They exist in us all the time.
The rapid growth of bacteria when the disease is the result of incomplete metabolised food causing the excessive amounts of mucus, which is a great breeding ground for bacteria.
In addition, blocked by deposits hinder the movement of the blood phagocyte. Bacteria multiply rapidly and further pollute your body with toxins.
Pasteur, at the end of his life he admitted: Bernard was right: the microorganisms are like, the environment is everything.
This environment is our body.

Toxin contamination and nervousness are the direct causes of all diseases as acute and chronic.
The source of toxins are bad food choices, consumption of cells, toxic chemicals from the environment, negative thoughts, poisoned air and water.
Nervousness occurs as a result of overwork, noise, radiation, extreme weather events, overeating, toxins, stress.
In most chronic diseases, the body is deprived of enzymes and nutrients.
No enzymes leading to incomplete metabolism and undigested food must be removed as toxins.

Acute illness
Colds, flu, ulcers, inflammation of the lymph nodes, etc., Is an attempt of the body to remove accumulated toxins by increased elimination through the skin, lungs, nose, eyes, intestine, kidneys.
If the body is sufficiently vital and elimination process is not inhibited by unhealthy foods, the body is able to rebuild their own health.
Chronic diseases
Are the result of suppression of acute detoxification crises.
As long as the organism is able to eliminate toxins by acute disease will not be of chronic diseases.
However, if we do not change lifestyle, innate vitality may decrease to a level such acute diseases where elimination of toxins will not appear.
Microscopic examination reveals unhealthy tissue calcification of uric acid and the plurality of cells; unproductive accumulation of fat cells; excessive mucus adhesion to mucous membranes; passage acid crystals to the muscles; degeneration of elastin; formation of cancerous tissue based on incomplete metabolizable proteins and free radicals.
When the accumulation of toxins is sufficiently intense, it will be possible to diagnose: leukemia, cancer, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism.
The name of the disease is determined by the amount and nature of the toxins as well as the location of their density.


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